Typo in report:

higher inout power

Probably should be: higher input power

In the report you wrote:

"Since then, Rossi has PAID the University of Bologna E500,000 to
investigate and develop the eCat device . . ."

I believe that's E1,000,000.

"Some or all of the original 'independent investigators' have now
become 'team members'. Without casting aspersions on their integrity,
it is not clear whether their subsequent statements can be used to
formally prove that the eCat is real."

That's preposterous. No university allows research without funding.
There are NO conventional academic funding sources for cold fusion.
NONE. ZIP. ZERO. The only way this can happen is for Rossi or someone
who knows and trusts him to pay for it directly.

I think you should at least add that there is still no reason why Levi
would deliberately go about destroying his own reputation and ending
his career. Do you think he would do that for his share of the E1
million? That would be his regular salary. Universities never pass
along research money directly to professors as a bonus.

Note that Rossi is paying the university, not Levi personally. I
expect a large chunk of it is going to university overhead. I don't
know what "team player" means in this context but usually a member of
a team is paid by the team.

If professors are to be considered suspicious or unethical because
someone, somewhere pays for the research, then all professors in all
universities might as well be considered whores. Nearly all medical
research is paid for by drug companies or the NIH. Nearly all energy
research is paid for by energy companies or the DoE. The corporations
do it for only for profit, and the NIH and the DoE are riddled with
politics and power games. There are no "clean" or objective source of
funding in academic research. It is too expensive for that. U.
Bologna's funding from Rossi is no more suspicious than any other.

"Rothwell argues that some kinds of fakes would have been NOTICED by
the observers (For example, if Diesel fuel were burned, there would be
copious fumes)."

"Noticed" is not strong enough. The observers would be asphyxiated.
You cannot burn enough Diesel fuel to produce 15 kW of heat in an
enclosed space without hurting or killing someone. You can always tell
when someone is dead and others have been taken to the hospital for
smoke inhalation. That would be in the news. So you can definitely
eliminate that possibility, even more than you could with instruments
galore. A dead body is better proof of poison than an instrument

- Jed

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