Jed sed:


> ... People kept underestimating him [Edison], and he kept blowing
> his critics out of the water. He gave his investors nightmares
> while he struggled to pull off these things.

In regards to Rossi, it is a good thing you are only playing the role
of honorable scholar and meticulous librarian - someone championing
the cause of cold fusion.

I suspect that if your circumstances had been different, and that you
had agreed to financially back Rossi's E-Cat you would probably have
had a heart attack by now, wondering if you were going to be filthy
rich or a pauper. But then... as with most financial backers Rossi
would presumably have taken you into his confidence with the signing
of a bunch of NDA's, so it's a good chance your blood pressure might
have remained within acceptable parameters. ;-)

I bet you would have liked to have been a fly on the wall in Rossi &
Focardi's lab for the past few years.

Wouldn't we all.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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