On 11-06-19 05:22 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
At 12:09 PM 6/19/2011, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
I won't argue this with you again, Jed, I had enough trouble getting you to admit that it's possible to have steam at higher than 100 C at 1 atmosphere of pressure.

Oh come now. Don't make false accusations. I admitted fully and frankly that I made a mistake there.

It's not a false accusation. Getting that admission was like pulling teeth, and even then it was a qualified admission.

Don't make me search the archives to prove it.

Okay, Stephen, he won't, perhaps. But I will.

No you won't. If you want to know what was said in the argument over steam temperature, and what Jed's final word was on it, do the search yourself.

Jed apparently is content to let it lie, and I am, too. As for you, that's up to you. (And if you do dig around to find the argument, *please* *don't* regurgitate it here! Once was enough!)

But, first, what are you trying to prove?

Nothing, in any argument with you. I'm not arguing with you. Seriously, I have no idea what your point is, nor why it's taking you so many words to get to it.


Also think about how you find yourself responding to my comment. Do you find yourself imagining that I have a motive,

You must have a motive but I can't imagine what it is.

(It never, in a million years, would have occurred to me that you were trying to embarrass anyone, BTW. You don't do that sort of thing, not as far as I know. It seems clear you're lecturing me about something, but I really don't know what.)

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