Jed, I don't think it hurts to ask a few softball questions here in
hopes that there is some insider information available. I don't expect
Rossi to answer here. (Otherwise I'd write to his blog, which he is
great about responding to people's non-confidential questions.)  This
is just standard gossip magazine level questions... People Magazine
spends more time/money investigating Justin Bieber each week than I
see being spent determining the extent of Rossi's $500T discovery. And
pretty much every person on the planet may end up being financially
impacted by such a discovery...

Daniel, not sure why, but I get a clicking "Job Positions" on goes to which is a 404. Again, not my
business that the web site has problems, but does seem like having a
working site would lead to better hiring, PR, corporate
communications, etc.

- Brad

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