> Please feel free to write your prediction about the Oct 28 1MW
> Rossi test. ** Please include a 0 to 100 prediction **
> 0 is a scam is exposed, 25 is an unexposed scam, below 50 is
> failure, and 100 is commercially viable no doubt LENR power.

I'll go with the prediction of 0 as stated on the ecatnews.com

It is October 28 and Rossi stands before the video cameras and a
small crowd of guests. Beside him is one of the ecats from the
shipping container behind him.

He looks into the camera and says: “Lissen a me: dissa whole ecata
stuff is justa kidding you. Ifa you wanna heata your house, you
buy the oil! justa likea you always do!”

“Ima worka for Big Oil alla the time! Here isa your stupido ecat!”

And he picks up the ecat and crushes it into a ball – it is made
of aluminium foil!

“Now you getta offa my lawn!” And he throws the crushed ecat at
the guests, and starts crushing one after the other, throwing them
and yelling incoherently.

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