OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson <orionwo...@charter.net> wrote:

I would suggest that someone over at Rossi's blog ask Rossi for information
> on Domenico Fiorvanati. State the request simply and politely.

He has already said he does not want to reveal this. Fiorvanati met with
Lewan and others, and they talked for a long time. Fiorvanati himself said
that he and the company do not want to reveal themselves. I know Rossi well
enough to predict that he will not change his mind on this. Even though
this hurts his credibility, but he does not care about that as much as he
cares about controlling and micromanaging the flow of information.

Of course it is possible they are hiding the guy's identity because he
works for Rossi, or it is a fake name, or for some other nefarious reason.
I suppose the reason is what they claim, that the company wants to keep a
low profile. That too is plausible. But who knows?

Lewan said that whoever Fiorvanati is, he is every inch an engineer. He
knows a terrific amount about boilers, steam quality, thermodynamics and so
on. He freely talked about the technical issues. It is good to hear that
Rossi is working with professionals like him. Even if it is a giant scam,
at least it is a well-engineered, safe, giant scam.

> It probably wouldn't hurt to mention to Rossi the fact that by allowing the
> pubic to at least verify the professional credentials of Fiorvanati, it
> ought to go a long way in vindicating Rossi's CF claims.

Rossi knows that. We have sent the message to him. It would not hurt to
send it again.

But then, perhaps Rossi could care less what the general public thinks of
> his credentials.

I see three possibilities here:

1. He could care less.
2. He cares, but he is bound by a secrecy agreement (which is what he
3. He is covering up a scam.

#3 seems far-fetched but there is no hard evidence for any of these three.
You can pick one and say your intuition favors it, but anyone who says they
know for sure which it is should be asked to supply an independently
verifiable reason for saying that. The default answer is not "fraud" or
"legitimate." It is, "I don't know."

> Actually, I wouldn't stop with Rossi. I'd widen the circle. Ask ANYONE who
> has had close ties to Rossi if they know who Fiorvanati is. And if they
> don't know ask them if they might know the name of someone who might know.
> It might be worth it to contact Manutencoop's personnel department . . .

That sounds like the kind of sleuthing Krivit loves to do. He is good at
it, too.

I myself would not do this because this is none of my business. If these
people want to keep a low profile, and if Rossi wants to making himself
look like a crook, so be it. Of course I am curious, and if Fiorvanati's
credentials can be found in plain view, from a credible source, I would
love to see them. But I do not want to poke around trying to learn things
that people want to keep secret. I think we should simply report that they
are hiding their identities, we should give their reasons for doing this,
and we should state the obvious which is that this policy makes them look
like a gang of crooks and scheming frauds. It does! With the best will in
the world, anyone can see that it does. Krivit thinks he is the only one
who sees this, but it was obvious to me during the test, which is why I
posted the message "Dismaying rumors . . ." even before it ended.

I use words like "dismaying" where Krivit would scream "blatant fraud!!!"
It is a matter of emphasis. The content of what I reported is exactly the
same as what Krivit reported, but I left it up to the reader to decide how
serious this is. At the time I was not sure this was happening. The rumor
was confirmed a few hours later. As I predicted, Lewan and others described
what happened. Lewan's account is not at all gullible and it does not
soft-pedal Rossi's secrecy. Krivit says it does but I think anyone can see
that Lewan has not covered up anything.

> Eventually, I suspect we will ascertain Fiovanati's professional status.

Maybe. Maybe not. I can report that he is a
skilled, knowledgeable engineer. That does not preclude the possibility
that he is a fraud.

- Jed

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