Am 01.11.2011 23:14, schrieb Mattia Rizzi:
I had this thougt too, but:
The pump is so loud, any significant change in flow rate would have been
noticed by them.

The pump used is LMI P18.
You can regulate the flow by adjusting the stroke frequency (and it's noticeable) or by adjusting the injected volume (up to 2ml per stroke).
If you adjust the injected it's not noticeable.
Interesting. It is not mentioned if they measured the water weight, but this was not possible to exclude.
Rossi could not know, what they want to measure when they started.

Anyway there are still other possibilities for manipulation. They did not wrote a scientific report, but a travel report. If these guys examine the household ecat and have some days time they will deliver a conclusive result. Rossi can not sell the ecat to endcustomers and refuse at the same time scientists to measure it, he must give it into an independent lab, if he doesnt do it a customer will do it.

- Peter

-----Messaggio originale----- From: Peter Heckert
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: Rossi 1MW : Why is the energy hidden behind pressboard?

Am 01.11.2011 22:59, schrieb Mattia Rizzi:
According to the report, E&K measured the water flow before the test, but not *during* the test. I asked to Essen and confirmed that they doesn't have measured the flow during the test.
I had this thougt too, but:
The pump is so loud, any significant change in flow rate would have been
noticed by them.

If these guys do a positive test in Upsalla then I am ready to believe it.
Im not against this.

I am against all this contradictions false promises and confusion that
have been since this.
Cannot understand why didnt they give some details about pipes and
heatdissipator for the 1 MW plant and why didnt they measure the
temperatures there. This is most disappointing to me, it is like
demonstrating a car on a brake tester and not letting the rubber hit the
real street.


-----Messaggio originale----- From: Peter Heckert
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 10:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi 1MW : Why is the energy hidden behind pressboard?

Am 01.11.2011 22:33, schrieb Jouni Valkonen:
2011/11/1 Jed Rothwell<>:
For that matter, why would anyone think the Krivit test was fake?
For Krivit, Rossi /claimed/ the water flow and it was doubted by others
and this was so early I did not understand everything and was confused
by Krivits "wetz steam" argument. (I dont believe in wet steam today,
but at this time I was unsure)

Essen & Kullander /measured/ the water flow, so this was secured
believable data. When they then found, that the input energy is too low
for boiling, I was impressed.

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