On 11/06/2011 02:49 AM, pagnu...@htdconnect.com wrote:
I am not sure which, if any, nickel isotopes admit isomeric states.

Perhaps, electrodes, container walls, or contaminants in nickel (or
palladium) could be the source of some yet unidentified isomers.

I am quite perplexed that isomeric-65Fe went undetected for so long.
Perhaps others have also escaped notice?

If they exist at all, getting long-lived nuclear isomers to relax to
ground state is probably difficult, if not impossible.  But, if it is
possible, maybe some LENR experiments have accidentally stumbled upon a

I find this hypothesis plausible, for a number of reasons. Maybe we can even call it "the white elephant in the room" hypothesis for (so-called) cold fusion?

I'm not a nuclear expert, at all, but as mentioned before a number of times in the list, mostly by Jones Beene, there's a known mechanism, called (Nuclear) Internal Conversion, by which the energy of a nuclear isomer can be emitted (mostly) without gammas, in the form of an expulsed electron from the inner shell. Interestingly, too, there's a coefficient called Internal Conversion Coefficient, *which is empirically determined by the ratio of de-excitations that go by the emission of electrons to those that go by gamma emission*. (wikipedia dixit)

Maybe what Rossi found is a two-fold process, which:
1) Induce a given (naturally ocurring, hidden in the mass statistics?) Nickel nuclear isomer to decay. Through the use of nano-powders, the presence of Hydrogen, pressure, and some heat. Probable, at least. 2) Increase the IC coefficient, for the given nuclear isomer, so (almost) no gammas are produced. Through the selection of specific temperature and pressure ranges, by using electromagnetic fields, by using a "secret catalyst", etc. etc.

That would explain why at turn-off, (with the "Rossi mechanism" for IC being deactivated) there's a peak of gammas. That would explain too why the term "catalyst" is geing used. The energy is already there, in the form of naturally ocurring nuclear isomers.

Some questions for the list:
- How can the explused IC electrons convert to heat? Is this straightforward? As I said, I'm not a nuclear (nor physics, or chemistry) expert. - According to theory, Auger electrons (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auger_electron) should sometimes be produced after IC occurs, when the electrons reaccomodate to fill in the blanks in the internal shell. Can these electrons be specifically detected? by example, through its specific energies? This would perhaps provide a signature of the effect for the Rossi device. Can this associated secondary phenomenon be the source of heat?

Now, assuming that the hypothesis is true, and proceeding in reverse order, we could(I want to clarify that I would NOT do it): - search for the geatest Internal Conversion Coefficients for a given element.
- search for ways to increase said empirically determined coefficient.
- search for ways to induce nuclear isomer decay.
- search for nuclear isomers of Nickel or other elements.

And that's it, folks.

In reply to  pagnu...@htdconnect.com's message of Sat, 5 Nov 2011 23:35:00
Probably, Robin, but the relatively recent discovery of the 65Fe isomer
(which likely has been lurking in the universe for a long time) makes me
wonder if other long-lived isomers have escaped attention, and written
as statistical errors in mass measurements.
That was specifically mentioned by Jones Beene before. See

I suppose this even probable, but why choose Ni62 specifically?
(Note that Fe65 is on the heavy side of the Fe isotopes).

Robin van Spaandonk


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