The registered address is the physical address for the Agent for the
company, which can receive corporate mail on behalf of the
corporation. In this case, the agent is Travis, James R, at 8 Town
Farm Rd. He is an agent for multiple corporations. Lots of small
companies set up a business this way--with a PO box, and, when
required, a physical address with an agent. (New laws require a
permanent address for officers and agents of the corporation.)

Rossi has obvious plans to grow exponentially in the next few years.
The process will typically involve multiple moves to larger and larger
facilities, as his business needs change. The secret facility that he
will use to build e-cats is not likely to be already leased and listed
as an official address for the corporation.

I'm all for a little snooping around to get corporate intel, but I
personally am more interested in where he builds his e-cats, where he
is hiring, who he is selling to, and the progress he is making on
getting his products out the door and into the hands of consumers..
rather than the tired "this is more evidence of fraud" crowd. (MY,
that would include you.)

- Brad

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