On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 5:22 PM, Eric Walker <eric.wal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> A good magic show can fool a few journalists and grad students and yes,
>> Levi
>> does not inspire confidence – but take a closer look at the “guests”.
> I also fail to see the point of Rossi's pulling off a successful magic
> show, unless he's just flying blind and improvising at this point and is
> hoping to pull off a hail mary.  Even if he had wanted to, the E-Cat story
> is not something he has been able to shield from third-party observation,
> at least from a distance.  If he's hoping to set up a large racket and take
> in illicit gain, how long does he hope to keep it going?  Or is it that
> he's not thinking that far into the future?  Unless he's very shortsighted,
> I don't see the motive.

Again, look at Steorn, Dennis Lee, Carl Tilley, Bedini, Bearden, Mark
Goldes, and don't forget the bigger and more effective scams like many I'd
have to look up 'cause I don't offhand remember, and of course the newest
and biggest, Solyndra.  The usual motive and method is to scam the
inventors early on when they fund the initial venture and sign NDA's and
disclaimers of responsibility and best effort agreements and more
legalese.  Lots of money to be made that way and you can bet Rossi had
plenty of volunteers (and still does).

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