
My bad. I came under a fair amount of criticism for reporting a rumor that
lead to both of the twin comedic episodes here last week - of 1) the outing
of Greg Watson, masquerading as AussiGuy, and 2) the BBB not leaving Bologna
(the big lie). 

The precise rumor turned out to be false - since the BBB could never have
been "returned by the customer" if it never left the spot where it was
demonstrated in October. My apology for that, but luckily for almost all of
us - the results of the rumor turned out to be very illuminating - and
advanced our knowledge of the Rossi economic scam significantly, and
probably nipped the AussiGuy secondary scam in the bud.

In retrospect, I have no regrets for that rumor being false, especially
since the source was good and had proved out several times before. Well,
there is the smaller regret is that a few new voices of negativity have
landed here, to contribute nothing but repetitious tripe.

The source in question had accurately pegged a paper company named:
"Ampenergo", a startup tied to LTI, as being the US licensee. This was many
weeks before it was known publicly or reported elsewhere. I know a lot about
LTI which is not reported yet.

That rumor was correct, and the evidence of this is in the archives - and it
was reported to Vo back when a noted commentator ... cough, cough ... was
saying that Rossi had told him that the licensee was an "important company"
a Fortune 500 Company, and yes, he believed that Rossi was the greatest
inventor since Edison :-)

Anyway, that "BBB-return" rumor of  last week - led to Akira looking closely
at a recent interview with AR showing the BBB in its usual resting place -
like a cold mausoleum, and then following that revelation - a consensus
emerged here on Vortex that it had never moved, leading to direct question
to the horse's mouth...   and then, ta-da, the payoff - Rossi getting caught
in yet another massive lie, the BBB "being gone" etc. and the likelihood
that the only "customer" is the aforementioned Ampenergo, a hollow startup
which has no facilities, not known capital, no experts or engineering staff:
in short -a paper tiger.

This new information so inflamed AussiGuy, who, unbeknownst to us at time,
had his own second-tier MLM scam in operation, that he went into a silly
hissy-fit tirade against Rossi and many others of us - one that brought into
question his own motives- and more importantly his own identity. 

When I raised the issue of his hidden identity following his ridiculous
outburst - that is when Keef who had apparently been waiting in the wings
for such an opportunity, stepped in to suggest that the alias AussiGuy was
really a well-known scammer that we all on vortex had prior experience with.

ERGO and thanks to blind luck, the aftermath of this false rumor (of the BBB
being returned), and the revelation that it never left - is extremely
fortunate for all concerned except GOW and AR. Instead of "two wrongs not
making a right"  it looks like "one wrong made two rights". Go figure.

Best of all - this puts AR in the position of seeing 90% of his former
support going out the door, and essentially forces his hand to do a real

He has no large amount of money left, and if he does not demonstrate
something soon, he is essentially dead in the water since DGT will show and
tell soon. My prediction is that AR will finally understand the sorry state
that his reputation has sunk to, from the high in October to the pits in
January, and that he will be forced to do the real test, with real
independent scientists. 

My second prediction is that he will pass the real test, almost with flying
colors but only for 8-12 hours, and then the E-Cat will go into quiescence
mode, as always happens. But the scientists observing this will be
absolutely blown away by hours of infinite COP.

This should hopefully send the me-too skeptics who have come out of the
woodwork this week, scurrying back to find another mouse hole (namely
Milstone and company). Hopefully Keef will duck-out as well, since the only
thing he seems to have to offer now is Greg's travel plans and penchant for
First Class.

Maybe that is too much to ask for. Is fate ever that benevolent?


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