Indeed. I had just written a reply saying virtually the same think when your Email arrived. I do not beleive that there is any magic here that breaks any laws of physics.

On 08/02/2012 15:15, David Roberson wrote:
I would also take a second look at the net process energy balance.  If aluminum 
is required as fuel, you would be in big trouble as it takes a lot of energy to 
obtain the fuel.  Years ago I made H gas by putting lye and water into a jar 
with aluminum foil.  My friends and I used the gas to fill bags for balloons.


-----Original Message-----
From: OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson<>
To: vortex-l<>
Sent: Wed, Feb 8, 2012 10:08 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:World's best H2 catalyst?

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