the reference of higher than background are scarce and this have been a
strong arguments against LENR.

from what I've read, there are some moments when the reaction seems to
produce some gamma, some neutrons, but not at all at a level compatible
with the excess heat, nor dangerous or even alarming...
some experiments seems to make the experimentators to think that the
radiation happens when the reaction is not correct... like soot for a gaz

note that radiation is a key subject for LENr.
there is a strong coalition of lobbies that have no other possibilities
that spread the FUD abour radiations.

the big corp (various energetic groups, like oil or nuke, electric
companies, wanabee big corp) who wan't to captur this technology to their
sole benefit, by forbidding use by small independent businesses and
LENR can be run at a very small or big size, with no strong limit. unlike
oil-refinery or nuke, there is no need for big installation. not even to
build the reactor.
For di-esther for example the oil-company probably convinced the
governments to use di-esther instead of simple filtered vegetable oil, that
work too... di-esther need big-corp to be produced, but only farmers are
enough for filtered oil.

the second group of lobby are the
malthusiannists/gaïaists/anti-technology/regressived green lobbies that
flourish those days and catch the media and the subsidies ...
for them the horror will be the end of scarcity, without the cost on
environments... technology have to be bad to force us to stop it... LENR is
like the pill or the preservative... it allow orgy of fun withour moral or

both those lobbies will try to counvice the basic people, and first the
stupid as usual media, that LENr is dangerous, ...
as usual they will spread lies.
the green lobbies are very efficiant. energetic lobbies will just wait
avoiding dangerous lies, for the politicians to block LENR at home, like
they do for GMO. then they will propose their service for half price
energy, with only 80% of the margin in their pocket.

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