>From Jouni:




> But isn't there any way to do investigation? US is full of private

> detectives, so I wonder why no one has not hired a private detective

> to dig everything what Rossi is doing, who are those investors and

> where is the factory.


What’s to investigate. At present, I suspect Rossi’s American “factory” is 
probably nothing more real than an address to an apartment residence. Granted, 
maybe Rossi really is hunting around for factory floor space. I could believe 
that. But who really knows… Only Rossi knows, and what mercurial Rossi really 
“knows”, I suspect, has a tendency to change from day to day, which seems to 
reflect what Rossi tends to say out on his blog from day to day.


With that said, IMO, a certain amount of investigation into Rossi has probably 
already has been done, or IS being done. I hope not to the nefarious extent 
that you seem to be envisioning, however, where we start doing things like 
deliberately bug Rossi’s car – as if trying to keep track of an endangered 
species. Keep in mind the key words you used: "private detective". It seems to 
me that doing things like installing tracking devices or bugging rooms would 
require court orders. Installing tracking devices on a private citizen’s car or 
bugging his personal residence is a violation of a person’s right to privacy.  
Not that many individuals or organizations have the legal authority to request 
such activity. Is Rossi a suspected criminal? What evidence to we have to 
support that hypothesis? This also implies that if any private “tracking” was 
or IS being performed it is probably being done illegally – in a legally shady 


Also keep in mind such activities are PRIVATE investigations. What makes you 
think we who reside in the honorable peanut gallery would receive the fruits of 
private investigations? We didn't pay for such services. Potential individuals 
who did pay for such “private” services are under no obligation to share what 
they have uncovered with the public.


My two cents.



Steven Vincent Johnson




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