Craig Haynie <> wrote:

> If you don't  pay the government's taxes, which it uses to raise money for
> these projects, then they threaten you with violence, and will ultimately
> put you in jail.

Nonsense! You are free to move to some country where taxes are zero and
there is no government, such as Somalia.

Or you can move to Greece or China where the government does not bother to
collect taxes from wealthy people. In China, I have heard that practically
no one who earns $50,000 or more needs to pay taxes. You pay a small bribe
to the IRS agent and you are free and clear for another year.

For that matter, wealthy people in the U.S. such as Romney pay only ~15%
these days, thanks to laws that Romney's own company helped push through
Congress. You cannot ask for a more responsive government than that! They
let you write your own tax laws. We are approaching your ideal system, as
long as you earn more than $1 million per year and your company has a
strong lobbying organization in Washington. We will soon catch up with

- Jed

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