On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 10:56 AM, MarkI-ZeroPoint <zeropo...@charter.net>wrote:

“Electrons moving in certain solids can behave as if they are a thousand
> times more massive than free electrons…”

In the matter of Widom and Larsen, some fun numbers:

  mass proton: 938 MeV
  mass electron: 511 MeV
  mass muon: 105.6 MeV
  (mass proton) / (mass electron): 1836.153
  (mass proton) / (mass muon): 8.88
  (mass proton) / (1000 * mass electron): 1.84

>From the Wikipedia article on muon-catalyzed fusion: "If a muon replaces
one of the electrons in a hydrogen molecule, the nuclei are consequently
drawn 207 times closer together than in a normal molecule."  Maybe you
don't need neutron formation -- I wonder if one of these heavy neutrons
from the Nature article could replace an electron in a hydrogen atom and
remain heavy.  Would you then get something along the lines of
Hydrinos without them being Hydrinos?


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