I see that this quark mass value in question - comes from Wiki's entry on


Here is the significant problem with using that value: there is one
hypothetical figure for "naked" or "current" quarks- unbound quarks which
cannot exist for long on their own, and another very different value for
quarks in a nucleus- "constituent quarks" . The difference is substantial.




The problem in using the naked quarks values, or really any value outside a
nucleus - is that there is no useful physical reality - and essentially "no
one has a clue" since the lifetime is so short.


Being precise on this is not a trivial pursuit. There is a fair chance that
the statistical deviation in "average proton mass" can account for the
energy seen in nickel hydrogen reactions - without the need for fusion, beta
decay, low momentum neutrons - or any of the other problems brought on by
"lack of gamma radiation."


IOW, in the Ni-H reaction, and only in reactions involving hydrogen
(deuterium is excluded for other reasons) it can be reasonably asserted that
gain can derived from a statistical reduction in "overage" in the average
mass of the proton. It does not take much mass reduction, multiplied by
lightspeed to provide sufficient energy that is hundreds of time in excess
of chemical energy . (which is also dependent of a deviation in average
molecular mass of reactants).


The leap of faith is that that there is a significant range in proton mass
which can be reduced slightly without consequence . by the tenets of quantum
chromodynamics (QCD).


In a way this is "nuclear" energy, and in a way it is not. The identity of
the proton does not change, but its average mass is slightly reduced.


I'm now calling this the "P-Power Hypothesis" ("p" is for both pion and


The hypothesis is evolving into a useful competitor for the other
explanations for gain in Ni-H involving fusion or decay, which should
involve gamma radiation; yet in which gammas are not seen. Those hypotheses
require two or more miracles to "hold water" so to speak.


This name also gives Terry an opportunity to power-up with a p-pun, or if





From: Jones Beene 


This is off by more than an order of magnitude. 


Where did the quark mass value come from?




From: Axil Axil 


For example, a proton has a mass of approximately 938 MeV/c2, of which the
rest mass of its three valence quarks only contributes about 11 MeV/c2; most
of the remainder can be attributed to the gluons' QCBE.



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