I rest my case.


On Sun, Aug 5, 2012 at 8:04 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mark Gibbs <mgi...@gibbs.com> wrote:
>> It's interesting that you both want the mainstream media to pay attention
>> to cold fusion yet you complain when we don't write *exactly* as you think
>> we should write.
> This has nothing to do with what I think. I am not the issue here.
> I am suggesting you write something that resembles the claims in the
> peer-reviewed scientific literature. You ignore what the experiments show
> and what the researchers claim. You should read McKubre, Storms or
> Fleischmann and try to summarize *what they claim*.
>> You complain endlessly about "sloppy journalism" and how the theories of
>> cold fusion aren't clearly laid out . . .
> This is not about theory. Cold fusion is an experimental finding. There
> are no widely accepted theories to explain it. I see no need for you to
> discuss theory, any more than you would with high temperature
> superconducting, which also cannot be explained.
> On the other hand, everyone agrees that the experiments produce thousands
> of times more energy than a chemical reaction with the same mass reactants
> can produce, and that there are no chemical changes in the cell. So
> chemistry is ruled out. That is shown in hundreds of papers, in research
> replicated thousands of times by thousands of researchers. So I think that
> is what you should describe, rather than merely saying they "output more
> energy than is put into them."
> Also note that in many cases, no one puts energy into the reactions.
> (as you think they should be) for the average reader who you obviously
>> look down upon (Craig tellingly dismisses them as "establishment goons" ...
> You misunderstand. Cold fusion researchers are the establishment. As
> Martin said, "we are painfully conventional people." Martin was an FRS;
> Bockris literally wrote the book on Modern Electrochemistry; Miles was
> Fellow at China Lake.  Most cold fusion researchers are tenured professors
> and a large fraction of them are distinguished, leading experts in their
> fields.
>> an ad hominem attack if ever there was one) yet you're perpetually angry
>> at the lack of attention and funding for cold fusion!
> I am angry at people who make sloppy, ignorant claims about an important
> scientific breakthrough. I am angry at lazy journalists and scientists who
> do not make the effort to learn the facts, and instead write their own
> made-up version of things.
> I am strong believer in doing things by the numbers, following rules, and
> doing your homework. Check and recheck. In short, I am a programmer. Also a
> translator and tech writer, which is why I am such a pedant about grammar
> and English prose.
> - Jed

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