Had to delete the 35KB picture in order for this to get posted.


Here is what we have so far:

1.       Primarily just noble gases in a closed cylinder at low pressure (1
to several atm).  They just bounce around, occasionally bouncing into each
other but no chemical nor nuclear reactions taking place.  Real boring!

2.       There were three other elements mentioned, but in very small
amounts, and they were not obvious or in the bottom and not easily visible.
Thorium mentioned, but more on that later.

3.       Spark discharge starts the ionization/plasma generation process
near electrodes.

4.       Plasma is conductive and a large (DC) current flows between other
set of electrodes (anode/cathode).

5.       Then a miracle/the impossible happens!  J



1.       When is the coil energized?
If Axil's speculations are right, it would be on for steps 1 thru 3.

2.       Rohner did mention 2g of thorium at the conference, but I thought
that was only since he didn't have something else at the conference; vaguely
remember hearing RF!  Need to rewatch the videos.


Analysis of attached Picture

1.       The lower-right electrode and upper-left are connected to the SAME

2.       The wire at lower left side electrode wraps underneath the vacuum
guage and connects to what looks like a ground terminal mounted to side of
electrode housing; then from there the wire goes into the wooden box.

3.       The wire on the electrode in the upper-right side one cannot see
where it goes.. 




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