This is not chemistry.  It is high energy particle & quantum physics.  I
believe you can collide just about any gas particles and end up with a
collapsed singularity if you add enough energy at point and time of
collision.  To minimize energy required, use a smaller vessel/voids(down to
quantum sizes) and use a simple gas (such as Hydrogen) with just a proton
and electron.  Once you create the quantum singularity you are then playing
with a nuclear furnace...

On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 8:46 AM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson <> wrote:

> Addendum:****
> ** **
> The fact that Nobel gasses are involved really baffles me. My limited
> understanding of chemistry would suggest to me the fact that there
> shouldn’t be any kind of reactive “chemistry” involved, period… other than
> ionic excitation such as what we see in neon signs.****
> ** **
> What the hell is causing what I assume has been “accurately” measured to
> be an unusually large amount of mechanical energy, an amount of mechanical
> energy that has yet to be explained by conventional physics.****
> ** **
> If McKubre is willing to be have his portrait taken in the accompanying
> videos, that tells me there must be something going on here really that
> needs to be taken seriously.****
> ** **
> Regards,****
> Steven Vincent Johnson****
> ****
> ** **

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