Thanks for the layman's explanation, Chem. I think I actually
understood much of what you were trying to describe. Having performed
numerous computer simulations that loosely involve the rules
attributed to celestial mechanics I have on occasion experimented with
incorporating additional "powers" (i.e. dimensions) into the
algorithms. For example, I've incorporated cube powers and 4th powers
into some of my computer simulations. The results are interesting.
Occasionally unexpected... wildly unexpected! I hope to present some
of what I have uncovered before the end of the year over on my
OrionWorks website - that is if I can get around to the arduous task
of completely overhauling it. I'm in the middle of that mess right

Regarding your concern as to why we have not yet found other
intelligent life in the Universe. As Arthur Clark once quipped, and
I'm paraphrasing here: Quasars are nothing more than industrial
accidents. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

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