I read Mr. Godes paper the day it appeared on the New Energy Times site (I
think that was back in July?). I immediately had the feeling it was
important. At the same time, the word "proprietary" appears six times. It
seems clear that Mr. Godes believes the road to progress is a working
device, not scientific replication. And I'm not criticizing. In fact given
the way the mainstream scientific community has treated LENR for the last
20+ years, it sounds like the path to poetic justice.

As always, time will tell.


On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Ruby <r...@hush.com> wrote:

>  Mark, I did this Q&A with Robert Godes July a year ago.
> I had already spoke with him one-on-one in an interview I could not
> publish about early January 2011 (before the Rossi demo).
> Though the electrolytic cell generated a small COP, he had 100%
> reproducibility then, turning on and off on-demand.
> But look what a certain agency said about this technology being "instant
> death".  And that is not the half of it.
> "*With steady progress meeting each company milestone, the lab runs with
> a skeleton staff, including volunteers. Negative perceptions about the
> field of LENR research have discouraged potential investors. One possible
> private donor seeking a technical evaluation was informed by a **National
> Science Foundation** member (whose review entailed “a quick scan” of the
> Brillouin Energy website) that it was “quite possible they had created the
> ‘instant death’ version of cold fusion”. * "
> http://coldfusionnow.org/funding-dam-breaks-for-brillouin-boiler-that-uses-water/
> Ruby
> On 9/18/12 11:20 AM, Mark Gibbs wrote:
> If the Godes/McKubre system has 100% reproducibility why isn't it the
> poster child for CF/LENR?! And why hasn't the CF/LENR research community
> exhaustively investigated the system and built working models that would
> show, irrefutably, that CF/LENR is real? In following this list I've read
> about scores of theoretical systems and theories that it seems no one has
> actually made work reliably and here you're claiming the Godes/McKubre
> system not only works but works reliably!
>  Can anyone explain why this system isn't being refined and promoted at
> the very least as proof of CF/LENR?
>  [mg]
>>  There may have been a few poorly documented reports of 100% success
>> that I suspected were 100% instrument artifacts.
>> Normally I would be very suspicious of an effect that appears every time,
>> on demand. But when it comes from a a top-notch lab such as SRI I am not
>> going to worry about it.
>>  - Jed
> --
> Ruby Carat
> r...@coldfusionnow.org
> United States 1-707-616-4894
> Skype ruby-carat
> www.coldfusionnow.org

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