As for the poor educational outcomes of the US vs other countries:

When adjusted for economic class, the US is near the top.

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 2:07 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Ed Storms wrote:
>> Thanks Mark. Their view of reality differs significantly from what the
>> people I read describe. I tend to believe my people because they
>> predicted the 2008 collapse while Krugman did not. . . .
> Krugman did predict it, and warned against it several times. Such as here,
> in 2005:
> He repeatedly described the banks' investments in real estate as junk.
>> In fact the
>> difference is frightening similar to that earlier. Krugman sees no
>> problem with the status quo while the people I read are in a panic.
> Wrong again. He is very much against the status quo. He is not in a panic
> for the same reason I am not, and my mother would not be. It is a
> personality thing. We don't get into a tizzy, perhaps even when we should.
> Case in point: my mother was riding a trolley car past the Blair House on
> November 1, 1950. President Truman was living there while the White House
> was being rebuilt. There was a series of loud bangs. Someone said, "they're
> trying to assassinate the president!!" My mother said, "don't be silly; it
> is just a car backfiring" and went back to her newspaper. It turned out
> someone was trying to assassinate the president.
> - Jed

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