> From: "Bob Higgins" <rj.bob.higg...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 5:27:51 AM

> The ends were cone-shaped AISI 316 steel caps that were
> "hot-hammered" into the ends. I don't think they were welded.
> This "hot-hammering" of the cone-shaped insert is a description of a
> type of cold welding. Cold welding is when two metal pieces are
> scrubbed together with great force, usually heated, causing them to
> permanently bond. The "cold" part is that it does not involve
> melting the metal to provide the welded bond.

This type of metalwork used to be referred to as "Cold Fusion". (eg Ben 
Franklin used the term).

So ... does the Hotcat involve Cold Fusion?   Yes!

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