Mark, consider another example.

How did quantum mechanics come about?

Experimental phenomenon occurred in blackbody radiation that could not be explained by the conventional physical theories of the day.

Also, the early "planetary" model of an atom with a central nucleus and an orbiting electron did not fit the conventional theories of the day.

The conventional theory of the day said that as the electron moved, it would lose energy, and the orbit would decay, and the atom would collapse!

But orbits of electrons around atoms do not decay. Matter does not collapse. Atoms exist in tact.

Conventional theory was at a loss to explain these, and other, phenomenon.

Some said "I do not believe what I am seeing."   "This cannot be true."

Others said "something more was needed."

A new model called quantum mechanics was born. Quantum mechanical predictions correlated with what was seen in the lab, and the theory continues to be renovated today.

That is what is being said here about cold fusion/LENR/LANR/quantum fusion/anomalous heat and transmutations.

Current nuclear theory does not explain ALL the many effects that are seen in this science.

Something more is needed.

Cold fusion theorists are trying to figure out how to explain what they are seeing.

Some people claim they have figured it out. But, until one of these theories is able to expain ALL the effects, and in addition, spell out the recipe on how to make this happen on-demand, at any scale, no theory can claim top dawg.

This does not dismiss conventional nuclear theory. It does say, that something more is needed.

Does this make any sense?

Or, think of Chico Marx:  " Who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?"

Please don't give up Mark.  Your voice is needed.


On 5/31/13 1:59 PM, Mark Gibbs wrote:
Ah, so it's OK to argue that Cude is, in effect, hand-waving away Ohm's law and that's indefensible because that law is accepted but it's not OK to argue that Carat's dismissal of conventional physics as being wrong about LENR is also hand waving?


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