On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 6:50 PM, John Berry <berry.joh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There is one very very simple truth.
> Many will never believe right up until a technology is widely available.

If so, I think it will be a first. I am not aware of a phenomenon that was
widely rejected by the mainstream until a successful technology became
widely available. And energy densities a million times that of dynamite is
not a subtle thing. It should be as demonstrable as the Wright's 1908
flight, which converted all serious skeptics long before commercial flight.

No demonstration could convince them, maybe not even if they ran it
> themselves.

Utter nonsense. A completely isolated device that generates heat orders of
magnitude beyond its weight in gasoline would convince anyone. But an
experiment behind closed doors, reported by hand-picked observers, with
dodgy methods, and directed by someone with a controversial past, will not
do it.

There are plenty of anomalies that were accepted instantly because the
evidence was strong. Your statement has no justification in history.

> Hence we can compare this with other beliefs such as shape shifting
> reptilian royals/politicians, Scientology, and religion etc.

I agree completely. Cold fusion is just like those beliefs, which also have
widely claimed but erratic evidence to support them.

> And skeptics are no more open to being wrong than the most fundamentalist
> true believer of anything else is.
Skeptics would change their minds in a heart beat with good evidence, just
as they did in 1908. But there is nothing that will convince true believers
in cold fusion that they are wrong.


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