On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 3:51 AM, Joshua Cude <joshua.c...@gmail.com> wrote:

No, you don't. Plenty of ICEs (outboards, motorcycles) run without
> batteries. Car engines would run without batteries too, unless they use
> some kind of electronic fault detection that shuts it down without a
> battery. But the spark doesn't need a battery. And even with a battery,
> it's still self-sustaining.  It's not a valid point.

It's a simple point -- some engines (many engines; most engines?) require a
secondary source of power to control the cycle.  That source of power in
this case is different from the one being used for work.  You discredit
your objectivity by failing to acknowledge this point.  It does not matter
to me that you do this.  I don't think it matters to you that you do this.
 It's all stimulus and response at this point.  The name of the game is to
get the last word in.  It demonstrates to any onlookers that the purpose
here is not to try to understand what might be going on with the E-Cat,
it's to engage in endless argument.


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