On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 9:56 AM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>wrote:

When LENR is finally applied at a level that even an idiot will have to
> accept, the physics community will have to explain why this acceptance took
> so long when so much evidence was available and when the need for the
> energy was so great.

Although that would be a satisfying ending, I bet it will be more
like Galileo and the acceptance of the heliocentric solar system -- no
doubt exciting at the time, but now a little bit anticlimactic.  Eventually
the typical person will read in Wikipedia about how there was a tiny little
fuss about cold fusion a long time ago, and then they will turn on the
television and curse the makers of the cold fusion generator for making you
have to pay to refuel it once a year.


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