I can go to only one, and I chose ICCF.

I regret I will miss a chance to interview you.

On 7/1/13 8:38 PM, DJ Cravens wrote:
no, not me.
I had to pick only one, so I decided to go to NI Week instead and do a demo there since ICCF delayed too long in replying to demo requests.

I will give vortex a "heads up" a little before NI Week about demo #2.
But remember this is not a "science" experiment, it is a demo for the
"unwashed masses" and is just to stimulate public awareness.

Ruby Carat
r...@coldfusionnow.org <mailto:r...@coldfusionnow.org>
Skype ruby-carat
www.coldfusionnow.org <http://www.coldfusionnow.org>

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