On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Craig <cchayniepub...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> No, what I mean is: Defkalion IS the group that replicated Rossi's work,
>> from the ground up.
> Ah, I see.
> That is unclear. Rossi says they had no knowledge of his work so they
> could not have replicated. If that is true, they found an independent
> method of producing heat from the Ni-H nanoparticle system. We do not know
> whether this is a replication or some other method.
> I can't judge whether this is a replication because I do not know how
> either Rossi or Defkalion does what they do. These are trade secrets.
> In the open literature there are several claims of Ni-H such as Mills and
> Piantelli. Most recently, Mizuno replicated this, in the paper I presented
> here at ICCF18 in a poster session. (See the News at LENR-CANR.org.)
> Mizuno's results are on the same scale as Rossi's or Defkalions, normalized
> to the mass of nanoparticles. I doubt that Mizuno is using the same method
> as Rossi or Defkalion.
Any idea how much Mizuno's experiment cost?


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