
                Looks like you have been imbibing on the BLP kool-aid...
comments interspersed below...
                Do you glow-in-the-dark, yet?  :-)

                From: Jeff Driscoll 
                JB: RPF then releases the "hotter" UV photon which can
create another catalytic
                hole (when slightly downshifted) especially in oxygen
preferentially. A
                limited chain reaction, mediated by UV photons, is the
                In short, this hybridized version provides a more complete
picture than
                Mills, especially since he depends on "angular momentum" of
electrons as the
                ultimate energy source. Bollocks.
                JD: According to Mills' theory:
                The energy comes from the potential energy of the electron
relative to the proton - electron drops down to a lower fractional orbit
(fractional principal quantum number) and the energy comes from this change
in potential energy.  

This is nonsense. There is no potential energy for any electron below ground
state unless it can find a stable orbit. Finding a stable orbit will require
substantial net energy input, which makes this part of the equation net
endothermic. There is no way around this problem.

                Energy released takes the form of:
                1.  kinetic energy transferred to another hydrogen, or
ionization of an electron or breaking of chemical bonds

There is no net energy released from the redundant ground state, without


Again - "going below ground state" does happen routinely, but it is
endothermic. However, the Mills redundancy reaction can result in a neutral
particle with an electron in very close electron orbital - a virtual neutron
if you will. At a cost. 

THEN AND ONLY THEN can the endotherm be erased by the quark reaction which
is called the QCD color charge.

The finding of robust "shrinkage below ground state" is the limit of Mills'
actual contribution to the field, and it is brilliant up to a point - but as
for the rest of the continuum nonsense: BS - IMHO. 

Mills could not close the deal. He risks becoming a footnote to Rossi unless
he can produce the working public demo in a reasonable time frame.

                2. continuum radiation as the electron spirals down to the
next stable fractional orbit.  

There is no stable orbit without energy input so there is no excess
radiation at all. This is precisely why you see from Mills this silly appeal
to "a continuum" instead of the (formerly) predicted lines. This "continuum"
business from Mills is a joke - really the last gasp of a dying theory.

                This spiral has a non-constant orbit frequency and gives
continuum radiation.

Nonsense. This is an endothermic reaction. "Continuum radiation" is a
gigantic fail - a fabrication.
                Continuum energy is seen in the experiment that matches his

Bollocks. This is a complete fabrication by Mills LOL - and attempt to gloss
over the fact that the specific radiation predicted in the theory was found
to be absent - many years after predicted. Oops time for a theoretical
laxative. What you hear in the background is the sound of Mills old CQM
theory going down the continuum plumbing.

                The 19.3 nm oxygen line is in both the control experiment
(He) and the active experiment (H2+He).

Of course it is!  There is an oxygen line in the control since, the oxide
layer cannot be reduced without hydrogen present. 

When H2 is added, the oxide layer is reduced, and the line which is slightly
shifted comes from the solar diproton reaction - the QCD rearrangement of
proton quarks - not from the oxygen layer which is now gone from the
electrode. Oxygen on any electrode cannot survive hot hydrogen bombardment.
                My guess is that it is very hard to eliminate all the oxygen
from a surface - plus they may not have a reason to eliminate it. 
Not hard at all ! The Oxygen layer reduction would be routine and immediate.
You many need to check into a BLP abstinence program, Jeff. Mills theory may
be intoxicating at first, but on close inspection he is ultimately wrong
about the source of energy. There is no net energy via electron chemistry. 
IMO, the net energy from the endothermic "shrinkage" reaction to f/H which
is document can only derive from a nuclear reaction - the identity of which
is RPF in my estimation - reversible proton fusion. It could be another
reaction like the P-e-P reaction, but it is nuclear - not chemical.
RPF is the solar diproton reaction, but on earth it can be made net
exothermic which allows the endotherm of Mills redundancy to proceed apace
without the normal indicia of nuclear reactions. Only EUV would be seen as
The reason we do not have a public device from Mills after 23 years and $80
million spent is obvious. He refuses to modify his original and partly
incorrect theory to accommodate the new findings.
He was therefore wrong about LENR - but right about the Ni-H gain, and he
has dug his theory-grave deeper in hopes of salvaging something, but it will
only get worse for him if he tries to stick with this "continuum" nonsense.
It is really an admission that he was only partly correct.

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