yes Jed, it seems many people use the wildcard answer "there have been

is there any peer-reviewed paper showing proven artifact,
and was it corrected ?

(just to answer to the usual pretended physicist who parrot wikipedia
without any real fact in the mind).

2013/12/6 Jed Rothwell <>

> Blaze Spinnaker <> wrote:
>> No.   I think you're caught up in some sort of conspiracy mindset loop.
>>  I think there are a lot of people that want to believe but have burned by
>> too many measurement errors.
> There have not been many measurement errors. I'll bet you can't list more
> than five.
>>    However, there is a pattern of something.  The question is what's
>> causing it and can it be scaled up reliably and safely.
> Obviously it can, since it has been.
>>  Why is this interesting and the previous 14,000 similar experiments not
>>> interesting? This is not especially dramatic or clear-cut.
>> It's interesting because Toyota is particularly credible.
> Are you suggesting that Los Alamos, China Lake, the ENEA or SRI are not
> credible?
> - Jed

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