I had a quick peek at a google translated version of 
http://www.rarenergia.com.br/ and found:
"We have a small machine for experience and testing in our headquarter at 
Avenida Pedro Ivo, 933."
About the full-size machines: "Both equipment are demonstration models with 
capacity to generate 30 KW".
And "Company founded in 02/04/2006, with its controlling shareholder Renato 
Bastos Ribeiro and other partners, Aluizio Merlin Merlin Ribeiro and Rogerio 

The Ribeiro brothers, no doubt ; )  The Three Stooges? And is his name really 
"Merlin Merlin"?!  Talk about wizardry! *lol*


From: jedrothw...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2014 17:39:49 -0500
Subject: Re: [Vo]:: RAR gravity engine
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com

It is wonderful in a way, but why not build a desktop version? Even if it 
produces only milliwatts excess, if it can overcome friction and keep going it 
will convince everyone.
After the superconducting supercollider was abandoned, some Young Turk 
physicists began to rethink the whole idea. I read that some of them have come 
up with desktop-scale machines that accomplish some of the goals of the 
supercollider. That's how you are supposed to do science. I wish Rossi would 
scale down. His 1 MW reactor was, in its own way, as nutty as the RAR 
megamachine or the supercollider.

- Jed

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