I certainly do not dispute the long list of prior BLP predictions that
failed to come to fruition.


I think where I'm coming from is that, at least from my perception, it looks
to me as if Mills senses something much more substantial with the SunCell
technology working in tandem with the CIHT process. It appears to me as if
Mills is betting the farm on the success of the latest technology. Make or
break time. I grant you this is a subjective opinion. No more. No less.


In the meantime, I really would like to acquire a better confidence level
that the recycling process is not that difficult to do. That's one of the
reasons I have been repeatedly harping on this subject, looking for
different opinions and clarification from others. All we have to go on is
Mills claim that it is. At present I'm willing to give Mills the benefit of
the doubt... but only to a point. As the famous slogan went: "Trust, but
verify" You are not so sure giving Mills the benefit of the doubt is
warranted. I respect your doubt.


So, here we are... until further developments.



Steven Vincent Johnson



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