Peter Gluck <> wrote:

Dear Friends,
> Somebody on e-CatWorld  says the publication of the second
> HotCat report is imminent.

The e-CatWorld article is here:

Why didn't you include this link in your blog article?

The blog article says:

"The LENR community has also uncritically accepted without analysis the
Luca Gamberale Report that tries to discredit a very good demo by DGT,
logically consistent. The Gamberale Report refers only to tests made by he
author in unusual conditions."

This statement makes no sense. The Gamberale report describes the demo by
DGT. They are one and the same! In my opinion Gamberale successfully
discredited this test. Perhaps Gluck disagrees, but in any case we are
talking about the *same test*. Gamberale also described other tests done
with the this equipment, which pinpointed the cause of the failure.

The data taken by DGT and shown in the video proved that the flow rate was
not measured correctly and the test was invalid, as McKubre pointed out.
Even the people at DGT admitted this. So I do not know why anyone considers
this test "valid." As far as I know DGT never performed or published a
valid test. Anyway their website is gone and I believe they are now
completely out of business. Good riddance to them.

- Jed

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