In semi conductors electrons r enter and seem to change the energy states of 
all the electrons in the semi conductor over a considerable distance associated 
with QM system of the SC.  TMK it's instantaneous.

This suggests that a wave function that represents or allows the nano Ni system 
entanglement phenomena is apparent.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE wrote:
In reply to  Bob Higgins's message of Mon, 29 Sep 2014 11:42:39 -0600:
>Isn't the problem with this scenario that the ground state H/D atom must
>GIVE UP energy to enter the DDL state.  What you propose is that the H/D
>atoms could absorb the gamma emission from the transmutation and
>fractionate the photons to DDL energy chunks.  For this to occur, the
>coupled atoms would already have to be in the DDL state and would then all
>jump back to the ground state after each absorbed a fraction of the nuclear
>emitted gamma.  While this is not ruled out because it could occur via a
>coupled-state non-photonic exhange, you must explain how you have so many
>coupled DDL state atoms in place ready to receive and fractionate a gamma
>photo.  AND how would the ensemble of atoms reset to a DDL state to be
>ready to absorb/fractionate the next gamma photon.
>At least in Hagelsteins's theory, the assemblage of coupled atoms is the
>condensed matter lattice with strong electronic coupling (though it is
>mostly nearest neighbor coupling).  This coupled structure is there to
>begin with - it is not formed ad hoc just for fractionating.
>Bob Higgins

Actually this may not be so far from the truth. Consider a situation where lots
of Hydrinos/Deuterinos as forming and giving up energy as they do, resulting in
a large population of shrunken atoms. If the occasional fusion reaction happens
and the energy is used to inflate a few thousand of the millions of Hydrinos
that are present, then no one would notice the fusion reaction.
The only problem I have with this scenario is the time factor, i.e. the distance
from the nuclear reaction to the Hydrinos, and the speed of light. IOW how would
such a reaction be able to compete with gamma emission?

I guess the answer depends on the gamma emission time. If it's order E-17
seconds, then light can travel about 3 nm in that time. So thousands of Hydrinos
would need to be packed into a sphere with a radius of less than 3 nm. This
doesn't seem very likely to me, unless they are magnetically bound together in a
huge cluster (not impossible, the magnetic binding energy could be significant,
and on the order of chemical binding energies).

BTW IRH would also appear to fill the bill in this scenario.

I have previously suggested that a dense cluster might also absorb the energy in
the form of kinetic energy distributed among thousands of densely clustered
atoms. It seems likely that both forms of energy absorption would play a role.

This notion has one other point in it's favour:- The fusion reaction wouldn't
happen in the first place unless the cluster is present (though a cluster of
"2", would probably result in some detectable radiation). In this regard IRH
*may* be more likely than Hydrino clusters.

Robin van Spaandonk

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