the hypothesis that ther is a huge artifact in the measurement is more
rational than fraud.

Since rossi and IH are baffled by the result, this is a big option...
anyway that it is real and Rossi don't underatdn all the reactio is not at
all to exclude.

never forget we have no theory.

You should behave like good policemen, like Sherlock Holmes or CSI.
1- gather evidence without trying to interpret
2- eliminate what is REALLY impossible (not probable, not frequent,
3- what is the only remaining possible, is necessarily the reality.

I know it is not popular here, but much more than the hydroton, the
approach of ed storms have a great sense.

respect the hard laws of science, the mass of experimental results, and
forget the old habits.
of course be careful with unreplicated results like here, but forget

2014-10-13 21:09 GMT+02:00 Jed Rothwell <>:

> spectroscopy

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