The issue that stays with me is the same that 
faces any content artist:  what is the right thing to 
express?  When I use my sense memory to fetch 
emotions from 35 years ago to create a piece, is 
that current and does that matter?  The web is a  
very large distribution network.  What we say and 
do may have very quick effects in a volatile world.  
Nothing about our technology relieves of responsibility 
and almost everything about it prompts me to ask, 
what is good?

In IrishSpace, we had Niclas as our conscience.  
When it came to arming the Jeanie Johnston and 
deciding would we build a shoot-em-up feature, 
he stood up politely and said if we did that he 
was off the project.  He was followed quickly by Bob and 
Kahuna, then others.  It was a scary moment.   
As DeFacToad, I could not regulate issues of 
morality.  Our group was too diverse in age, 
background and culture to call that shot.  Instead, as 
a group, they decided that regardless of whether 
one thinks shoot-em-ups are bad or good per se, 
for this work, dedicated to the children of Ireland, 
it was bad.  Our sponsor, John Griffin, a very 
classy and responsible man, said to us that while 
we could make up our own minds, the last thing 
he thought his country needed was more guns, 
virtual or otherwise.   It was the best moment 
for me in the project because where the artists 
show that kind of integrity, the work will.  I knew 
we would succeed.  I knew how to write the story 
after that.

I admit to being raised by Walt Disney.  
Maybe it wasn't a realistic point of view, and maybe 
having generations of art regulated by the morality 
of OldJewishWhiteGuys did not make the real moral 
dilemmas of our generation evident (eg, race), but 
overall it was a positive hopeful viewpoint.  Perhaps 
when it comes to finally facing the moral dilemmas, 
those whose entertainment stressed positive 
values, respond well because the difference is so 
evident, and the character of what they consider to 
be good, is in fact, good. 

In my opinion, and it is certainly debatable, we,  
artists and entertainers, are responsible for 
what we make and promote.  Profit is not a 
bad thing, but profit at the expense of feeding 
destructive images, promoting destructive actions, 
these are the things for which I believe we 
must take personal responsibility.   Perhaps, a 
bit of Disney should be in what we do.  When 
I look around me, kids shooting in the high schools, 
burning the vans at WarStock, perhaps 
it is time for the musicians and storytellers 
to take a real hard look at what is current. 
Maybe Polyanna isn't a false character, and 
the Glad Game isn't such a dated game to teach.


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