Miriam English wrote:
> This list has been very quiet lately except for the faked emails.

And lucky me I'm using mozilla :-)

> I have still been working on trying to develop a way to do VR stories.
> Anybody else still beavering away in this area?

Web3D is either dead or sucks in general. And I don't do VR in general 
so .. nope, not much. But I do occationally put some regular VRML onto 
the PocketPC. It's amazing how good the Cortona support is on that small 
device. And yet, you can barly get it working on a regular PC. As I 
said, it sucks.

BUT, one day - cyberspace ....

> Best wishes to all of you,

Same, same Miriam :-)

Niclas Olofsson - http://www.ismobile.com
Product Development, isMobile, Aurorum 2, S-977 75 Luleå, Sweden
Phone: +46(0)920-75550
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