We're still slogging on HumanML.  If the effort stays 
close to the original expectations, it may be useful 
as a means to create a character and setting database 
with AI applications.  But like all such efforts, the 
more interests that get involved, the more it tends 
to drift.

My son turned me on to the Tech TV Eyedrops programs. 
I've seen animation shorts on that which were jaw dropping 
coming from cattle call submissions.  The folks who can 
afford the more advanced authoring systems are doing 
very good work.


From: Miriam English [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Hi folks,

If anybody else has got emails recently appearing to come from this list 
with attachments sized between 80 and 90k, please be careful -- those 
attachments are viruses. I realise most of the people here are probably 
smart enough to already know that.

I have been regularly receiving these viruses that have been spoofing their 
'from' addresses. Four so far have pretended to come from the vrml-lit list.

This virus seems to have spread more than any I've so far seen. [groan] It 
uses Microsoft Outlook to activate it. If you simply view the email in MS 
Outlook I believe it starts up the virus. Please be careful, and if you are 
using MS Outlook, dump it and get a real email program. :-)

This list has been very quiet lately except for the faked emails.

I have still been working on trying to develop a way to do VR stories.
Anybody else still beavering away in this area?

Best wishes to all of you,

         - Miriam

To the optimist, the glass is half full.
To the pessimist, the glass is half empty.
To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Virtual Reality Association  http://www.vr.org.au

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