Boleh saya ulangi lagi berita di bawah ini.

Coba barangkali pak HMNA bisa memberikan fatwa apa atas kejadian ini?

Barangkali pak Janoko, pak Chodjim, dsb dapat pula memberi penjelasan
mengenai kejadian tsb diatas?
Apakah tidak mengerikan kalau tindakan main hakim sendiri ini tidak
ada yg mengutuk dari pihak para ulama?  Seolah2 memang demikianlah
ajaran Islam, padahal Islam adalah ajaran pertama yg memberikan hak
kesetaraan terhadap perempuan dan katanya cinta damai.
Herankah jika kita menjadi bingung dalam status kita sebagai muslim
koq yag katanya saudara2 sesama muslim tingkah lakunya demikian tidak
Islami tetapi saudara2 ini wajib kita bela dengan nyawa kita hanya
karena mereka juga mengaku muslim?
Saya mengalami shock luar biasa atas insiden ini.


> From The Times
> February 21, 2007
> An Islamic fundamentalist shot and killed a female Pakistani 
> yesterday because of her refusal to wear a Muslim veil.
> Police said that the bearded attacker had singled out the prominent
> women's rights activist in the belief that women should not be in
> politics.
> Zilla Huma Usman, the Punjab provincial minister for social welfare
> and supporter of President Musharraf, was shot as she prepared to
> address a public gathering in the town of Gujranwala, 70km (43 
> north of the provincial capital, Lahore. As party members threw rose
> petals at her, the gunman shot her in the head, police said. They
> identified the attacker as Malulvi Ghulam Sarwar and said that he 
> opposed to the participation of women in politics and the refusal of
> many professional women in Pakistan to wear the veil.
> "He killed her because she was not observing the Islamic code of
> dress. She was also campaigning for emancipation of women," Nazir
> Ahmad, a police officer, said.
> Mrs Usman, 35, was wearing the shalwar kameez adopted by many
> professional women in Pakistan, but did not cover her head. She was
> airlifted to Lahore after the attack, and died in hospital.
> Mr Sarwar, a stonemason in his mid40s, appeared calm when he told a
> television channel that he had carried out God's order to kill women
> who sinned. "I have no regrets. I just obeyed Allah's commandment," 
> said. Islam did not allow women to hold positions of leadership, he
> claimed. "I will kill all those women who do not follow the right
> path, if I am freed again," he said.
> Mrs Usman was well known as a women's rights activist and had
> organised a controversial mini-marathon involving female runners.
> Riots erupted when police stopped armed fundamentalists from
> disrupting the race, in April 2005. She had joined the local
> government after her pro-Musharraf Pakistan Muslim League won
> parliamentary elections in 2002.
> General Musharraf has promised to empower women and has embraced a
> policy of "enlightened moderation". There are three female cabinet
> ministers in the federal government. But women still face violence 
> discrimination in the male-dominated society, particularly in rural
> areas. 
> _____________________________________________________________
> > 

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