Subhanallaah! Brother Yusuf Estes sungguh sangat bijak dalam mencoba 
memberikan jawaban atas pertanyaan khususnya untuk ayat 34 surat 
Annisa ini.

Terima kasih mba atas sharingnya ...!


--- In, "Flora Pamungkas" 
> Satu lagi penjelasan perihal topik yang sedang dibicarakan, yaitu 
> isteri.
> Diuraikan oleh Sheikh Yusuf Estes, seorang mantan pendeta dari 
Texas, USA 
> di web sitenya : atau di link tsb di bawah ini:.
> Question:
> Could you please tell me why the Quran tells men to "beat them" 
> their wives? (chapter 4, verse 34)
> Answer:
> Thank you for asking about Islam. It is our committment to try our 
best to
> provide answers to questions to the best of our ability. However, 
> we come across questions for which we do not have answers. In this 
case we
> will refer you to others who may be able to provide you with proper 
> Please be aware that we as Muslims, must never lie about anything,
> especially our religion.
> Secondly, we do have the original text of the Quran and the 
> teachings of Muhammad, peace be upon him. This enables us to verify 
> what was said, intended and taught by Muhammad, peace be upon him, 
as being
> the religion of Islam.
> Third, I would like to remind myself and all who read this in the 
> that not all questions are purely questions. Some contain 
statements and
> implications, that may or may not be true.
> Finally, it is important to keep in mind anytime we discover 
something in
> the answers to actually be better than what we already have, we 
should be
> committed to change our position and accept that which is true over 
> which is false and take that which is better for that which is 
> After taking all of the above into consideration, if we find that 
the answer
> to this question provides us with a better approach to 
understanding what
> Almighty God has provided us with as a way of life on this earth 
and in the
> Next Life, we should then make the logical decsion to begin to 
worship Him
> on His terms.
> Having said that, let us now look to the particular verse in 
question in the
> original text (Arabic), followed by the phonetic sounds in Latin 
letters and
> then finally, followed by a translation of the meaning to the 
> language by experts in both Arabic and in Quranic meanings.
> Transliteration
> Alrrijalu qawwamoona AAala alnnisa-i bima faddala Allahu baAAdahum 
> baAAdin wabima anfaqoo min amwalihim faalssalihatu qanitatun 
> lilghaybi bima hafitha Allahu waallatee takhafoona nushoozahunna
> faAAithoohunna waohjuroohunna fee almadajiAAi waidriboohunna fa-in
> ataAAnakum fala tabghoo AAalayhinna sabeelan inna Allaha kana 
> kabeeran
> Explanation (tafsir) of Sura 4:34
> Here is the translation of meaning of the verse as best can be 
> according to the rules of understanding Quran with the explanations
> following this translation:
> "Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has 
made one
> of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support 
them) from
> their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient 
(to Allah),
> and guard in the husband's absence what Allah orders them to guard 
> their chastity, their husband's property, etc.). Regarding the 
woman who is
> guilty of lewd, or indecent behavior, admonish her (if she 
continues in this
> indecency then), stop sharing her bed (if she still continues doing 
> lewd behavior, then), [set forth for her the clear meaning of either
> straighten up or else we are finished and when she returns to proper
> behavior take up sharing the bed with her again], but if she 
returns in
> obedience (to proper behavior and conduct) then seek not against 
them means
> (of annoyance). Surely, Allah is Ever Most High, Most Great."
> Meaning of the Words
> For the three words fa'izu, wahjaru, and wadribu in the original, 
> here `speak to them in a persuasive manner', `leave them alone (in 
bed - fi
> l-madage'),' and `have intercourse', respectively, see Raghib Lisan 
> and Zamakhsari. Raghib in his Al-Mufridat fi Gharib al-Qur'an gives 
> meanings of these words with special reference to this verse. Fa-
'izu, he
> says, means to 'to talk to them so persuasively as to melt their 
>  (See also v.63 of this Surah where it has been used in a similar 
> Hajara - Wahjaru (do not touch or moleste them)
> Hajara, he says, means to separate body from body, and points out 
that the
> expression wahjaru hunna metaphorically means to refrain from 
touching or
> molesting them. Zamakhshari is more explicit in his Kshshaf when he 
> do not get inside their blankets.' 
> Here is the translation of meaning of the verse as best can be 
> according to the rules of understanding Quran with the explanations
> following this translation:
> "Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has 
made one
> of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support 
them) from
> their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient 
(to Allah),
> and guard in the husband's absence what Allah orders them to guard 
> their chastity, their husband's property, etc.). Regarding women 
guilty of
> lewd, or indecent behavior, admonish her (if she continues in this 
> then), stop sharing her bed (if she still continues doing this lewd 
>  then), [set forth for her the clear meaning of either straighten 
up or else
> we are finished and when she returns to proper behavior take up 
sharing the
> bed with her again], but if she returns in obedience (to proper 
behavior and
> conduct) then seek not against them means (of annoyance). Surely, 
Allah is
> Ever Most High, Most Great."
> Let me begin by explaining the English language is not powerful 
enough when
> it comes to translating the meanings of the Arabic of the Quran. 
Nor for
> that matter, is any other language on earth. So, all we have is 
> of meanings according to the best understanding of the translators.
> The operative word in this verse in Arabic is "daraba." While there 
> literally hundreds of uses for this word varying from "tap" 
to "walk in
> stride" to "strike at something" to "set a clear example", the only 
> that can be assigned to something in the Quran must be according to 
> rules of Quran. And Allah has used the same word a number of times 
with a
> consistent meaning. Let us examine them.
> Here is what we find from the scholars of the Arabic language:
> Daraba (to have intercourse, not to beat)
> Raghib points out that daraba metaphorically means to have 
intercourse, and
> quotes the expression darab al-fahl an-naqah, 'the stud camel 
covered the
> she-camel,' which is also quoted by Lisan al-'Arab. It cannot be 
taken here
> to mean 'to strike them (women).' This view is strengthened by the 
> authentic hadith found in a number of authorities, including 
Bukhari and
> Muslim: "Could any of you beat your wife as he would a slave, and 
then lie
> with her in the evening?" There are other traditions in Abu Da'ud, 
> Ibn Majah, Ahmad bin Hanbal and others, to the effect that he 
forbade the
> beating of any woman, saying: "Never beat God's handmaidens."
> Source: al-Qur'an: a contemporary translation by Ahmed Ali, 
> University Press, 1988; pp78-79
> Daraba (to set forth, to make a clear statement or proclamation) 
> One of the key rules of understanding words of the Quran is to go 
to other
> places in the Quran to investigate the usage in other places. This 
word is
> used by Allah in other places in the Quran to mean "set forth" 
or "sets up
> for you" or "makes known to you" - as is demonstrated in the 
> verses:
> Surah Ar-Ra'd (13:17) yadribu Allahu al-amthala "Thus Allah sets 
forth a
> parable"
> [here the word "yadirbu" is from the exact same root da-ra-ba]
> Surah Ibrahim (14:24): Alam tara kayfa daraba Allahu 
mathalan .. "Don't you
> see how Allah sets forth a parable?.."
> And again in the next verse: Surah Ibrahim (14:25) wa yadribu Allahu
> al-amthala li-naasi
>  "..and Allah sets forth parables for mankind.."
> [again the word yadirbu is from da-ra-ba]
> Surah An-Nur (24:35) wa yadribu Allahu al0amthala lin-naasi
> "And Allah sets forth parables for mankind.."
> Surah Ar-Rum (30:28) Daraba lakum mathalan min anfusikum 
> "He sets forth for you a parable from yourselves.."
> Surah At-Tahreem (66:10) Daraba Allahu mathalan lillatheena 
> "Allah sets forth an example for those disbelievers.."
> In fact, the word daraba has not been translated to mean (beat) or 
(hit) or
> (strike) in any other verse of the Quran except this one.
> The words for (beat) as in [to hit] found in Surah Baqarah 
2:275 ... kama
> yaqoomu allathee yatakhabbatuhu ash-shaytanu mina almassi.. 
> " the standing of someone beaten by the devil (Satan) leading 
him to
> insanity."
> And in Surah Ta Ha 20:18 Allah Says, "Qala hiya Aasaya atawakkao 
> waahushshu biha Aala ghanamee waliya feeha maaribu okhra."
> "This is my stick, whereon I lean, and wherewith I beat down 
branches for my
> sheep and wherein I find other uses."
> As you can see, these are not even related to the word (daraba).
> Verses 34 and 35 in Surah An-Nisaa' need to be read together to 
> this is the proper relationship between men and women in general 
and husband
> and wife specifically. 
> Islam seeks to hold the family together and to make peace and 
> between spouses. The next verse makes it clear what to do in the 
case where
> it seems that divorce may be the result of the uncorrected bad 
behavior. It
> stresses appointing arbitrators from both sides and seeks 
> The first part of 34 deals with all men taking care of all women. 
Then goes
> on to explain the wife's proper obedience to Allah because He is 
the One Who
> has ordained this relationship of provision and protection for her 
and to be
> appreciative and respectful of her husband, guarding herself and his
> property in his absence. The man is told the proper way to behave 
when he
> finds his wife not complying with decency and proper behavior of a 
> wife. He has a direct order to begin with admonishing her and then 
if there
> is compliance to leave her be and don't give her a hard time about 
> However, if this continues, he should not have sex with her and 
this makes
> it clear to her that he is most serious and this not a joke. Again, 
if she
> comes around then he is to let it go and not bother her about it. 
> if she still insists on such lewdness and bad conduct, he is to 
make it
> clear to her in no uncertain terms that they are going to be 
heading for
> separation or even divorce unless she comes back to proper 
behavior. Again,
> if she complies, then he should not bring it up and return to the 
bed with
> her.
> And of course, this is all in an effort to translate one short but 
> phrase from Arabic to English. The sources are quoted herein and 
there may
> be other interpretations but the only acceptable ones are those 
based on the
> teachings of the Quran and the prophet, peace be upon him.
> And as always, Allahu 'Alim (Allah is the Knower)
> Source: al-Qur'an: a contemporary translation by Ahmed Ali, 
> University Press, 1988; pp78-79
> In the past, some translators of this verse have mistakeningly used 
the word
> "beat" or "hit" or even "scourge" (as in the case of an old 
translation) to
> represent the word "daraba" in Arabic. This is not the opinion of 
> scholars especially Raghib and Zamakhshari as mentioned above and 
those who
> are well grounded in both Islam understanding and the English 
> 34. 
> Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allâh has 
made one
> of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support 
them) from
> their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient 
(to Allâh
> and to their husbands), and guard in the husband's absence what 
Allâh orders
> them to guard (e.g. their chastity, their husband's property, 
etc.). As to
> those women on whose part you see ill­conduct, admonish them 
(first), (next)
>  refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly, if it 
is useful)
>  but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means (of 
>  Surely, Allâh is Ever Most High, Most Great. 
> The understanding now is that some of the translations are not 
> representing the spirit of the meaning. Therefore, they cannot be 
> to be the representation of what has been intended by Almighty God.
> Now we can properly understand that Almighty God has commanded the 
men to
> provide for the women and allow them to keep all of their wealth,
> inheritance and income without demanding anything from them for 
support and
> maintenance. Additionally, if she should be guilty of lewd or 
> conduct, the husband is told to first, admonish her and then if she 
> cease this lewdness. If she should continue in this indecency, then 
> should no longer share the bed with her, and this would continue 
for a
> period of time. Finally, if she would repent then he would take up 
> the bed with her again.
> And Allah is All Knowing of the meanings.
> -----------------------------
> Re: Versi Baru Terjemahan "wadhribuu hunna" (An-Nisa 34) 
> Posted by: "Dwi W. Soegardi" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   soegardi 
> Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:02 am (PST) 
> dulu: ".... dan PUKULLAH mereka (istri-istrimu) ..."
> sekarang: ".... dan TINGGALKANLAH mereka (istri-istrimu) ...."
> Berikut ini terjemahan dari artikel tentang terjemahan al-Quran 
> Laleh Bakhtiar, dari Syirah Online.
> php?id_kategori_isi=853&PHPSESSID=8022f9afeb672ef0e64f9906020f9b09
> Terjemahan Baru Mengundang Debat atas Ayat AL-Quran
> 27-3-2007
> ---------------- dst----------------
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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