That has the same problems as click: it successfully forces the site
to launch a popup, but then the script hangs instead of executing the
popup-handling code.  But maybe patrick will have more luck?

On Dec 10, 1:12 pm, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael Hwee wrote:
> > Correct, Bret.
> > That puzzles me the reason to use a new process to do the click_no_wait.
> > Since click() is working, I suggest to use 'click!' as click_no_wait 
> > alternate way for now.
> The reason is complicated. The problem is that if the click triggers a
> modal dialog, then the call will block. This means that the method won't
> return until after the dialog has been dismissed.
> Because the call blocks, we make the call in a separate process. That
> process gets blocked, but we don't care about it any more.
> Using click! is a good idea. It might work in circumstances where the
> call won't be blocked.
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