On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 7:01 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <m...@apple.com> wrote:

> On Jul 7, 2009, at 6:43 PM, Mike Belshe wrote:
>> (There are other benchmarks that use summation, for example iBench, though
>> I am not sure these are examples of excellent benchmarks. Any benchmark that
>> consists of a single test also implicitly uses summation. I'm not sure what
>> other benchmarks do is as relevant of the technical merits.)
>> Hehe - I don't think anyone has iBench except apple :-)
> This is now extremely tangential to the original point, but iBench is
> available to the general public here: <
> http://www.lionbridge.com/lionbridge/en-US/services/software-product-engineering/testing-veritest/benchmark-software.htm
> >


>  A lot of research has been put into benchmarking over the years; there is
>> good reason for these choices, and they aren't arbitrary.  I have not seen
>> research indicating that summing of scores is statistically useful, but
>> there are plenty that have chosen geometric means.
> I think we're starting to repeat our positions at this point, without
> adding new information or really persuading each other.
> If you have research that shows statistical benefits to geometric mean
> scoring, or other new information to add, I would welcome it.

Only what is already on this thread or google for "geometric mean


> Regards,
> Maciej
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