On 3/18/07, Christoph Zwerschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On webware-discuss I already announced that I want to release the next
> Webware version 0.9.3 very soon. If anybody has suggestions or patches
> or bug reports that I should take into account, please let me know.

I had a problem on Mac using Webware out of the repository where the
AutoReload feature would not work. I believe it threw an exception
related to importing modules, but it's been awhile.

I'll try to test it out this week and see if I can reproduce and fix it.

> What about the idea of releasing a 1.0 version without much change if
> the 0.9.3 turns out to be stable?

Sounds good to me. I had thought about suggesting the same thing.

> One big change I wanted to make is to require Python 2.3 or 2.4. This
> would allow us to remove a lot of old garbage and code many things
> simpler. It would be an opportunity to really clear out the code base.
> The question is should we do this before or after 1.0 because these
> refactoring will certainly bring some instability again. (Unfortunately,
> Webware's few tests do not cover very much.)

I really think we should up the requirement *after* 1.0 since we're so
close to 1.0 right now.

> The next big change could be the transition to more contemporary coding
> style and tools, naming conventions, using setuptools and getting rid of
> Webware's peculiar plug-in architecture. This would break backward
> compatibility more or less so it should be done in a new major version
> as well. I'm also not sure whether I or anybody else will have enough
> time and energy to ever tackle this. For new projects, it seems to make
> more sense to use one of the nice contemporary web frameworks. So it may
> be better to release the 1.0 now than never.

I guess the question is whether or not anyone will put in the time to
do these things. My particular wish is for more properties and less
methods. For example, self.request.urlPath. But I was hoping a nicer
syntax for properties would have been added to Python by now!

Note that backward compatibility can still be maintained by having
WebKit.Object __call__() return self.

I also have a setUp() and tearDown() for servlets that don't require a
parameter or calling super (unlike awake/sleep). I've been using them
locally, but they're not checked in.

I also have a bunch of reusable code which I felt I didn't have time
to document and support properly...

I'm still using Webware, but I'm also pretty busy and Webware does
what I need it to do. That makes it hard for me to find time for
enhancing it.

And btw we all appreciate your efforts, Christoph! You've been great
for the project.


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