
Once again I think this has nothing to do in the bug list, but, there you

> I've toyed with the idea of making a flag to allow `-p' span hosts
> even when normal download doesn't.

Funny you mention this.
When I first heard about -p (1.7?) I thought exactly that it would default
to that behaviour.
I think it would be really useful if the page requisites could be wherever 
they want. I mean, -p is already ignoring -np (since 1.8?), what I think is
also very useful.

> > The -i switch provides for a file listing the URLs to be downloaded.
> > Please provide for a list file for URLs to be avoided when -H is
> > enabled.
> URLs to be avoided?  Given that a URL can be named in more than one
> way, this might be hard to do.
Sorry, but does --reject-host (or similar, I don't have the docs here ATM)
not exactly do this? I may well be missing the point here.
But with disallowing hosts and dirs you should be able to do this.
Or is the problem to load the lists from an external file?
Then, please ignore my comment, I have no experience in this.


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