> Funny you mention this.  When I first heard about -p (1.7?) I
> thought exactly that it would default to [spanning hosts to retrieve
> page requisites].  I think it would be really useful if the page
> requisites could be wherever they want. I mean, -p is already
> ignoring -np (since 1.8?), what I think is also very useful.

Since 1.8.1.  I considered it a bit more "dangerous" to allow
downloading from just any host if the user has not allowed it
explicitly.  For example, maybe the user doesn't want to load the
banner ads?  Or maybe he does?

In either way, I was presented with a user interface problem.  I
couldn't quite figure out how to arrange the options to allow for
three cases:

 * -p gets stuff from this host only, including requisites.
 * -p gets stuff from this host only, but requisites may span hosts.
 * everything may span hosts.

Fred's suggestion raises the bar, because to implement it we'd need a
set of options to juggle with the different download depths depending
on whether you're referring to the starting host or to the other

>> > The -i switch provides for a file listing the URLs to be downloaded.
>> > Please provide for a list file for URLs to be avoided when -H is
>> > enabled.
>> URLs to be avoided?  Given that a URL can be named in more than one
>> way, this might be hard to do.
> Sorry, but does --reject-host (or similar, I don't have the docs here ATM)
> not exactly do this?

The existing rejection switches reject on the basis of host name, and
on the basis of file name.  There is no switch to disallow downloading
a specific URL.

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