Checking with "which lapw1c" on each node (vlsi1, vlsi2, vlsi3, and vlsi4) is a good idea.  However, since WIENROOT is (blank) [1], it probably won't work until that is resolved.

It was mentioned that the WIEN2k .bashrc block was setup on each node by running userconfig [2]. So it definitely seems strange that WIENROOT is (blank) on the client nodes since I would think it would work if both WIENROOT and PATH are both defined from userconfig in .bashrc:

username@computername:~$ ssh vlsi1
username@computername:~$ cd ~/WIEN2k
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ which lapw1c
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ grep "export WIENROOT" ~/.bashrc
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ grep "export PATH" ~/.bashrc
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ ./userconfig
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ grep "export WIENROOT" ~/.bashrc
export WIENROOT=/servernode1
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ grep "export PATH" ~/.bashrc
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ source ~/.bashrc
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ which lapw1c
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ exit
Connection to vlsi1 closed.

Though, I suppose if something like a conf file [3] was setup by the user to override .bashrc or a job queue scheduler system is in use [4] it might also cause the issue.

[1] [2] [3] [4]

On 9/29/2019 6:11 AM, Laurence Marks wrote:
What does

ssh vlsi1 which lapw1c
give, what does "cat *.error" give in the case directory?
Professor Laurence Marks
"Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought", Albert Szent-Gyorgi <>

On Sun, Sep 29, 2019, 01:17 Indranil mal < <>> wrote:

    Now echo $WIENROOT is giving the $WIENROOT location.

    echo $WIENROOT/lapw*

    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw0 /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw0_mpi
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw0para_lapw /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw1
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw1c /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw1c_mpi
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw1cpara /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw1_mpi
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw1para_lapw /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw2
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw2c /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw2c_mpi
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw2cpara /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw2_mpi
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw2para_lapw /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw3
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw3c /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw5
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw5c /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw7
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw7c /home/username/WIEN2K/lapwdm
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapwdmc /home/username/WIEN2K/lapwdmcpara
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapwdmpara_lapw /home/username/WIEN2K/lapwso
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapwsocpara /home/username/WIEN2K/lapwso_mpi
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapwsopara /home/username/WIEN2K/lapwsopara_lapw

    ssh vlsi1 'echo $WIENROOT/lapw*'

    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw0 /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw0_mpi
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw0para_lapw /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw1
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw1c /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw1c_mpi
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw1cpara /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw1_mpi
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw1para_lapw /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw2
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw2c /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw2c_mpi
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw2cpara /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw2_mpi
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw2para_lapw /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw3
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw3c /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw5
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw5c /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw7
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapw7c /home/username/WIEN2K/lapwdm
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapwdmc /home/username/WIEN2K/lapwdmcpara
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapwdmpara_lapw /home/username/WIEN2K/lapwso
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapwsocpara /home/username/WIEN2K/lapwso_mpi
    /home/username/WIEN2K/lapwsopara /home/username/WIEN2K/lapwsopara_lapw

    However getting the same error


    >   stop error

    grep: *scf1*: No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat '.in.tmp': No such file or directory
    FERMI - Error
    grep: *scf1*: No such file or directory
    Parallel.scf1_1: No such file or directory.
    bash: fixerror_lapw: command not found
    bash: lapw1c: command not found
    bash: fixerror_lapw: command not found
    bash: lapw1c: command not found
    bash: fixerror_lapw: command not found
    bash: lapw1c: command not found
    bash: fixerror_lapw: command not found
    bash: lapw1c: command not found
    bash: fixerror_lapw: command not found
    bash: lapw1c: command not found
    bash: fixerror_lapw: command not found
    bash: lapw1c: command not found
      LAPW0 END
    hup: Command not found.

    and lapw2 error file

     'LAPW2' - can't open unit: 30
     'LAPW2' -        filename: Parallel.energy_1
    **  testerror: Error in Parallel LAPW2

    On Sat, Sep 28, 2019 at 11:58 PM Gavin Abo <
    <>> wrote:

        The "sudo service sshd restart" step, which I forgot to copy
        and paste, that is missing is corrected below.

        On 9/28/2019 12:18 PM, Gavin Abo wrote:

        After you set both "SendEnv *" and "AcceptEnv *", did you
        restart the sshd service [1]?  The following illustrates
        steps that might help you verify that WIENROOT appears on a
        remote vlsi node:

        username@computername:~$ echo $WIENROOT

        username@computername:~$ export WIENROOT=/servernode1
        username@computername:~$ echo $WIENROOT
        username@computername:~$ ssh vlsi
        Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-64-generic
        Last login: Sat Sep 28 12:04:07 2019 from xxx.x.x.x
        username@computername:~$ echo $WIENROOT

        username@computername:~$ exit
        Connection to vlsi closed.
        username@computername:~$ sudo gedit /etc/ssh/ssh_config
        [sudo] password for username:

        username@computername:~$ sudo gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config

        username@computername:~$ grep SendEnv /etc/ssh/ssh_config
            SendEnv LANG LC_* WIENROOT
        username@computername:~$ grep AcceptEnv /etc/ssh/sshd_config
        AcceptEnv LANG LC_* WIENROOT

           username@computername:~$ sudo service sshd restart

        username@computername:~$ ssh vlsi
        username@computername:~$ echo $WIENROOT
        username@computername:~$ exit


        On 9/28/2019 11:22 AM, Indranil mal wrote:
        Sir I have tried with " SetEnv * " Still nothing is coming
        with echo  commad and user name by mistake I posted wrong
        Otherwise no issue with user name and I have set the
        parallel options file taksset "no" and remote options are 1
        1 in server and client machines.

        On Sat, 28 Sep 2019 11:36 Gavin Abo, <
        <>> wrote:

            Respected Sir, In my linux(Ubuntu 18.04 LTS) in
            ssh_config, and in sshd_config there are two line
            already "SendEnv LANG LC_*" "AcceptEnv LANG LC_*"

            The "LANG LC_*" probably only puts just the local
            language variables in the remote environment.  Did you
            follow the previous advice [1] of trying to use "*" to
            put all variables from the local environment?


            However, ssh vsli1 'echo $WIENROOT' gives nothing (blank).

            That seems to be the main cause of the problem as it
            should not return (blank) but needs to return
            "/servernode1" as you previously mentioned [2].


            Perhaps the message below is a clue.  It you had set the
            WIENROOT variable in .bashrc of your /home/vlsi accounts
            on each system, you likely have to login and use that
            same /home/vlsi account on the head node as the output
            below seems to indicate login to a different /home/niel
            account. Alternatively, setting the WIENROOT variable in
            .bashrc of all /home/niel accounts on each node might
            work too.

               The command ssh vsli1 'pwd $WIENROOT' print
            "/home/vlsi" the common home directory and
            ssh vlsi1 "env"
            this is similar as server, and other nodes.

            Sir After changing the parallel option file in
            $WIENROOT in server to

            setenv TASKSET *"yes" from "no"*
            if ( ! $?USE_REMOTE ) setenv USE_REMOTE 1
            if ( ! $?MPI_REMOTE ) setenv MPI_REMOTE 1
            setenv WIEN_GRANULARITY 1
            setenv DELAY 0.1
            setenv SLEEPY 1
            setenv WIEN_MPIRUN "mpirun -np _NP_ -machinefile
            _HOSTS_ _EXEC_"
            setenv CORES_PER_NODE 1

            the error is not coming but the program is not
            increasing steps after lapw0 it stuck in lapw1

            Since it seemed to be throwing an appropriate error
            message with TASKSET previously unlike when set to
            "yes", probably you should change it back to "no".

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