On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 10:46 PM, Tom Holden
<tom.hol...@economics.ox.ac.uk> wrote:

> Does anyone object to this? We appreciate that some of you will have
> recently paid membership fees at the full rate, but if we are to make such a
> cut it is inevitable that some people will have paid the full rate in the
> months before the cut,

I paid at the £6 rate but even had I paid the full rate I don't think
I'd be too upset.

Are you sure price cutting is the answer?

As I understood it WMUK was already a bit peeved if people paid the
lower rate via PayPal because of PayPal taking a cut, so presumably
the £5 rate will cause any Paypal sign-ups to be virtually
counter-productive, yet it would be my argument that Paypal's probably
the single biggest area ripe for growth in garnering funds.

I probably wouldn't have got my arse in gear to sign up if there had
been no Paypal or at least debit card option.

So I'll ask the question; if you decide to make the rate £5 are you
going to remove the Paypal payment option?

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