On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 5:19 PM, James Forrester
<jforres...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> All,
> *TL;DR: We're proposing a more formal, but more limited, statement of
> browser 'support' for the cluster; thoughts appreciated.*
> In WMF Engineering, we've been struggling with what we mean by 'supporting'
> browsers, and how we can match limited developer time to our natural desire
> to make everyone happy.
> Right now our 'support' for user agents varies between existing features
> and in particular between different developing products, but we lack a
> single framework in which to consistently express what works and - more
> importantly - what our users should expect to work. We have a
> chronically-misleading page on
> MWwiki<https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Compatibility#Browser> that
> currently claims we will support any browser which gives us more than 0.01%
> of users (an extremely-expensive claim) - this was changed in
> August<https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Compatibility&diff=571245&oldid=571244>
> from
> the 0.1% threshold you see around more often, or the 1% one that we started
> with.
> So, the new proposal:
> There would be a "top level" outline policy - a small number
> of browsers are supported (i.e., WMF will keep spending money until they
> work):
> * Desktop: Current and immediately-previous versions of Chrome, Firefox,
> MSIE and Safari

I hate to make our job more difficult, but I think Faidon had a good point --

Agreed. IE 9 is only supported from Vista onwards and Windows XP is
21.29% of our user base according to the latest statsĀ¹. I'm not sure
it's realistic to say that 20% of our user base may just "happen to
work" by luck.

Perhaps a percentage of use threshold system would be a bit better?  I
don't see a breakdown of a % of requests per client type
(desktop/phone/tablet) here -
http://stats.wikimedia.org/wikimedia/squids/SquidReportClients.htm ,
but it should be creatable and hopefully bring a balance between
trying to come up with crazy workarounds for old clients and keeping
functionality for the vast majority of users.


> * Tablet: Current versions of iOS/Safari; Current and immediately-previous
> ones of Android
> * Mobile: Current versions of iOS/Safari; Current and the five previous
> ones of Android[*]
> Anything not in this list may "happen to work" but WMF Engineering will not
> spend resources (read, developer time) on it. If a volunteer is willing to
> work like hell to make, say, the VisualEditor work in Opera we would try to
> support them by reviewing/accepting patches, but nothing more than that. It
> doesn't mean we would go out of our way to break previous browsers as they
> leave support, but we would not hold ourselves back from useful development
> solely because it might break browsers that we've actively decided not
> to support.
> Each piece of feature development and platform work would explicitly say
> whether it was to inherit this top-level policy or chose its own. This
> would be based on what technical needs the product has and the user
> goals/break-down. These product support policies would be reviewed by the
> team every now and then and can go further or less far than the main policy
> depending on circumstances - that's the decision of the team involved.
> For example, the Mobile team's work might want to go further and support
> mobile Opera, but might not care about breaking desktop support (as it's
> not a target for them). As another example, for "basic" functionality in
> Platform - I'm thinking specifically about just article-namespace reading,
> history viewing and diffing - we might well want to be very broad in our
> support, down even below the historic "0.1%" level.
> I have created a browser
> matrix<https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/VisualEditor/2012-13_Q2_forward-look#Browser_matrix>
> for
> VisualEditor to identify the browser support that our team will be able to
> provide. This is a table with ticks or crosses for support
> of grouped browsers, gated at the 0.1% threshold (so browsers used by fewer
> than 0.1% of our readers like IE 5.0 don't show up). This is now actually a
> template which is as not-ugly as you can make it in wikitext[+]; I'm happy
> to commit to updating its data every month as it's released so teams can
> create their own, though finding a way to get this created automatically
> would be nice too.
> So, to turn this mass of text into an 'ask', I would love the thoughts of
> this list about this. Do you think this might work? Is "making sure all the
> different parts of MediaWiki keep working with <browser I love>" something
> you'd see yourself volunteering to do?
> I'd be happy to talk through the individual browser-level decisions but it
> might be easier to agree that we want to focus browser support before we
> decide the exact focus of this. :-) That said, do you think we should
> support fewer browsers than those I've proposed (and if so, which and
> why)? Different ones (again, why)? More (and if so, what do you propose we
> stop doing instead)? Feedback would be very helpful.
> [*] - This is what is meant when people bemoan "Android fragmentation".
> [+] - Ironically for a page about the VisualEditor, creating wikitext that
> it will likely forever struggle to edit.
> J.
> --
> James D. Forrester
> Product Manager, VisualEditor
> Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
> jforres...@wikimedia.org | @jdforrester
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